Making sense of numbers and words: Statistical methods

Peter Grimbeek

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Steps in the analysis of survey data

Surveys can be used to collect information about the respondent's demographic profile (life to this point) as well as information about his/her attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge.

What you don't get is information about what the respondent does as opposed to what they say they do, have done, or will do.

I analyse and report on this information as follows:

1. I report the demographic profile for the sample (gender, age, educational qualifications, etc), item by item, noting which items vary and which are relatively constant (i.e., 90% espousing the same response).

2. I report significant associations between these variables via cross-tabulation, correlation coefficient, and Optimal scaling.

Optimal scaling provides a 2-D spatial representation that is especially proficient at capturing complexity (For more information see relevant paper on main website).

3. I report responses to individual variables measuring attitudes, beliefs, knowledge.

Typically, these variables employ Likert scale response categories (e.g., Strongly Disagree -> Strongly Agree).

If Likert, then ordinal, and if so, then I prefer to report, say, the percent strongly agreeing (often using a graph).

4. I examine the extent to which variables with common Likert response categories form scales and subscales.

I do so by using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) or confirmatory factor analysis (CFA: I'll provide more info on this another time), depending upon sample size (bigger is better) and the credibility of item-scale relationships (if you've just written the items and believe them to form a scale then I'd prefer to treat this as a hypothesis to be tested).

5. I generate scale scores based on the previous step.

Researchers tend to prefer average scores, and I will compute these where appropriate but I also like to use EFA to save factor scores. This has the advantage of taking loadings into account, using all items, and also generating a scale score with z-score qualities (mean=zero, standard deviation=one).

6. I use ANOVA, MANOVA, Regression, or structural equation modelling (SEM) procedures to examine the associations between conceptually or empirically relevant aspects of the demographic profile and outcome scores (usually sub-scale or scale scores).

More about all of this at another time.